Networking and initiatives

At the Brazilian Institute for Foreign Investment – BRAZIFI – we act as a sponsor of events and initiatives which bring together interests and increase mutual awareness between foreign capital and the Brazilian business sector. However, we believe that only through this kind of networking can we determine opportunities, qualifying them as the most appropriate and coherent for your business and investment goals. 

Coming soon

​- President of IBRASIE going to New York this June, to set an agenda with investors regarding the opening of casinos in Brazil.

​- Revista IBRASIE / ELO - Duas cidades, um mundo!

- Lançamento do edital do concurso “PROJETO PILOTO TRANSPARÊNCIA FUNCIONAL – Um caminho efetivo de combate à corrupção.”

- Instauração de Centros de Mediação e Arbitragem - em parceria com as Federações da Indústria e Comércios dos Estados da União.

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